I own a small merchandising company here in Hong Kong. I have recently received an order from a customer and I need information about air freight shipping to Germany. Does your company provide this shipping service? Please contact me directly if you do. This shipment is too small for me to ship via a container, so this is why I am only asking for information about air freight shipping. The shipment will be packed and palletized on 6 pallets before the pickup is scheduled. How soon can your company schedule a pickup at our facility? Once the merchandise is loaded onto the pallets and prepared for shipping, the gross weight will be 585 kilos. Please include in your shipping information an estimated cost you will charge us for shipping this with your company. Please also include how long you estimate it will take you to complete the delivery. I have included my direct contact information in order to expedite the time it takes for us to connect. I prefer to ship this as soon as possible. Thank you for sending your information.