My employer is preparing an order for a customer and that order is nearly ready for shipping. It should be fully ready within the next 3 or 4 days. So if your company offers freight shipping to Japan and are available to provide pickup service at this time, then please send your company's shipping information to me as soon as possible. We are located near to Agen, France, which is also where this order will be shipped. The freight is destined to Osaka, Japan. The freight consists of merchandise that will be loaded onto 6 pallets. The total shipping weight will be 800 kilograms. Will you be able to provide an estimated shipping cost when you respond to our email? Will you also provide an estimate of when you will deliver this shipment to Japan? Due to the distance involved, our customer has requested that tracking information be provided. Does your company offer this service? If there is an additional charge for this, please advise so we may contact our customer. Thanks for providing this information to the email address provided here.