I am here to seek information about air freight shipping to South Africa. Although we are requesting air freight information, we understand there is a difference between air freight and express shipping. All we require is information about air freight shipping. Does your company provide pickup services in our location of Nuremberg, Germany? If so, then when will your company be able to provide a pickup service at our warehouse? Will you be available by the end of next week? This is when the shipment will be fully prepared for shipping. I would also like to inquire into your estimated time to deliver this shipment to Johannesburg, South Africa. Please also provide a cost estimate of completing this shipment that includes 7 pallets that have a combined weight of 1.1 metric tonnes. Will you use the contact system of this forum and send your company's shipping information to us? Please send it as soon as possible as we want to have the shipping arrangements complete before the day of shipping. Thank you for providing us with this information.