I am here to ask for information about air freight shipping to Greece. It is at our warehouse at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the United States that this shipment will originate. How will it be best for our company to contact you about scheduling a pickup for this shipment? Do you require an advanced notice, and if so how much notice do you require before scheduling a pickup? Is there anyone at your company that we can contact if we have further questions after we have reviewed your initial information package? The freight that we are preparing to ship is stacked onto 3 pallets. The gross weight of these 3 pallets is 1,284 pounds. If everything proceeds properly, we may want to use your company's shipping services for future shipments. How many shipments must we process through your company before we would qualify for a discounted shipping rate? Will we have to enter into a contract with your company at any time? We will be watchful for your information that you will send to our email account. Thank you for taking the time to respond to our inquiry.